Friday, October 9, 2009

The Update

I wrote this on June 5, 2009. That was about one week before my wedding day.

"The truth is that we still don't know what we're doing when we get home from the honeymoon. We have seen God provide mightily through our churches by multiple offers from people for temporary housing ans such, but we have yet to find jobs or a place to call home in which to start our lives together. YIKES! Talk about faith building and prayer training. It has indeed drawn [Laura and I] together in ways I didn't expect to have to deal with as a couple till 'real life' was well along. I guess this IS real life, huh?"

God has brought us through that to the point where we have moved into a wonderful home, yes a house, owned by a church I have begun a pastoral internship with. In return for about 20 hours/week working for them, they are providing housing for us! I have begun working also a The Home Depot to bring in some more income.
Laura found a job as a paraprofessional (teacher's aide) in a third grade class about 40 minutes from here. She has had opportunities already to begin some spiritually themed dialogue with her coworkers.
We are so blessed by a God who continually provides and leads in mind-blowing ways. We are blessed by families who love and support us. We are blessed by churches who have welcomed us and called us family, both past and present. We can't wait to see what else God has in store for this year and beyond.


Thursday, October 8, 2009

I will survive

I have not fallen off the planet. Nor have I been abducted by aliens. I HAVE been caught up for the last few months in ...
  • planning a wedding
  • getting married
  • honeymooning
  • finding a job
  • finding another job
  • finding a job for Laura
  • finding a place to live
  • moving into said place
  • getting settled
So now that those are taken care of, or at least nearly taken care of in the case of the 'getting settled' bullet, you can be expecting an update blog in the near future. Hopefully I will be able to resume blogging with some regularly very soon.
